Wednesday, May 16, 2007

City Hall's first mosh pit

Can I just daughter is largely responsible for the first ever mosh pit held in City Hall in Portland.

I am so damned proud.

As the student leader of her school's GSA (Gay Straight Alliance), she is way involved in the local gay activist community (particularly with regard to youth -a word she hates). She speaks at and leads workshops for local youth-oriented conferences and was even asked to be a guest speaker for a teachers' conference recently. She was also part of the planning committee for the Day of Silence/Night of Noise shindig in P-land. Somehow, they persuaded TPTB to allow them to hold a gathering/rally/punk rock concert in the rotunda of City Hall.

And my sweet baby girl was one of the emcees of the event and made sure everything was running smoothly and on schedule. Damn she was impressive. And I'm not just saying that because she might read this. Honestly, she has better things to do than read my blog.

Of course, I confess to a mini-Mom-moment when my girl jumped into the mosh pit. I felt an eensy bit panicky and feared for her safety. I know, that sounds lame and dorky to me now, too. But it comes free with being a Mom, so what could I do? I couldn't help myself. Yikes! What if she gets hurt?! I so wanted to go and pull her out (mostly so I could refrain from wincing when she fell down or when someone jabbed her petite frame right in the gut), but that would be so the wrong thing to do in that moment.

I took deep breaths. I watched the amoeba-like moshpit and made note of the seemingly jubilant participants. I kept telling myself that she is strong and capable and is just having fun. I even tried looking away, but found that I was better off visually monitoring the situation from afar.

I finally found the calm place and concluded that I would have the following bumper sticker made: "My honor student can hold her own in a mosh pit!"

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