Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Between tax refunds and birthday money, I'm prepping for something of a mini-shopping spree and, consulting my virtual wishlist:

digital camera
KitchenAid mixer
dutch oven

I decide to do some online searches for KitchenAid mixers to see if I can get a cheap one if I'm willing to have an ugly color (read pale pink). I then realize that there's no way in hell I'd buy a pale pink KitchenAid mixer - I'd have flashbacks of my Barbie-overload childhood to be sure. Then I see an awesome lime green one that I want most of all and it would look fabulous in my kitchen, which has white tile, stainless steel fridge, black counter-top appliances (coffee maker, grinder, espresso machine, convection oven) and paprika walls (yes, the color is really called "paprika" - it's a Miller Devine shade).

Anyway, I'm on Amazon comparing some prices and I realize that my search for "KitchenAid mixer" somehow turned up several non-mixer items, but that there are links available in categories such as: "all KitchenAid," "coffee and espresso," "mixers" and I click on "mixers."

And do you know what happens???

I get a page of recomendations of a couple of Bauhaus cds, a Joy Division cd, and a Tones on Tail cd - all of which I already own.

I even replicated the search thinking that I must've done something wrong or inadvertently hit a button, link or key that caused the snafu...But got the same results again.

Talk about randomness.


J.D. said...

I still have yet to get an iPod. Oh, I have an mp3 player, but it's a Sony, not the real thing. I'm so ashamed.

bad kitty said...

j.d. you, of all peeps, should be the proud owner of a proper iPod! You should get on that, kinda stat!