Je suis le mental case, part 1
I'm mildly agoraphobic.
I mean, I am not fearful of actual marketplaces per se, but I don't do so well in crowds or around folks who take up a great deal of emotional space. With elevators, I'm great as long as I'm the sole rider (or if I am amongst family or friends); otherwise, 'tis freaky for moi.
So I guess it's not so much the open spaces that prove alarming for me, but the people in the open spaces that I have a hard time with. Is that still agoraphobia?
Sadly, none of my phobias seem to have names and all of the phobias that DO have names don't seem so applicable to me.
Arachnophobia - nope
Xenophobia - nope
Homophobia - absolutely not
Acrophobia - no
Claustrophobia - oh, definitely. ok, nevermind.
Here are some of the other things I have a hard time with - are there names for any of these phobias?
loud noises
flourescent light/direct (non-natural) light
dental work
fire (pyrophobia?)
Looking at the bright side, I should consider myself fortunate to be living in an era in which I can fearlessly blog about my phobias and not during a time in which I might have been burned at the stake or put away in a mental institution.
Yay 2006!
1 comment:
Dental Phobia. Here you go:
Also, we have some intresting opinions of dental phobias:
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