Friday, October 20, 2006

You Decide:

So my lovely wife and I had an interesting conversation in the car today.

We had just entered the freeway and the lane that we were in was about to become an exit-only lane. When we merged onto the freeway, the traffic was moving, but we could see that it was bumper-to-bumper not too far ahead of us. Rather than attemping to merge as soon as she could (and where traffic was lighter, with gaps between the vehicles), she proceeded to remain in the right lane and drove as far as she could in that lane before merging over.

I told her that her Southern California upbringing was showing and she claimed that the maneuver was just an example of her superior merging skills. I further explained to her that where we live, in Portland, Oregon, that is considered rude and obnoxious and that she should have merged upon entering the freeway, that her "cutting" up ahead was an example of her inability to wait her turn and asked her what would happen if everyone cut up ahead on the right and then cut over like she did. She says that everyone does do this and that what she did was not illegal. I agreed that it was not illegal, but reasserted that it was obnoxious.

We eventually agreed to disagree, but bandied about the idea of asking others what they think. Anyone care to weigh in on this one?


paradigm shifter said...

Ok... clearly the author - my lovely wife - has taken the liberty of sharing this story with just enough details given that her side of the discussion seems more favorable.

Allow me to fill in the gaps:

1st - Upon getting onto the freeway the lane that I was in was a legitimate through lane. As I began picking up speed it did become clear to me that it was soon to turn into an exit lane. At that point I was going about 45mph and the traffic in the lane into which I might merge was slowing rapidly. Also, several cars (3+) had moved into my lane behind me in an attempt to exit. Instead of slowing considerably, putting on my blinker and waiting for some road warying driver to let me over I merely continued my steady speed eyeing a big rig up ahead that was leaving large gaps of space ahead of him into which I could easily merge. Without breaking the flow of traffic for anyone (in both lanes) I smoothly slipped into that spot -thereby not delaying the exiters behind me nor imposing upon someone who had already stopped in the traffic by making them have to let me over because I was backing up my lane.

So yes...perhaps I did get a few cars ahead. And yes there may have been one or two people who were envious or put off by my move. But! my smooth merging abilities allowed the traffic to continuing moving at a steady pace and ultimately is that not better for the greater good in the end?

Anonymous said...

I find it obnoxious too. :)

But I'm a midwest girl who will wave people in and give a "thanks!" wave when people wave me in!!

The Scarlet Pervygirl said...

paradigm shifter, I just read your wife's account, and I haven't yet read yours, but I'm voting for it being just fine. It's not illegal, and no one around here seems to consider it rude; I don't.

Then again, I live in Colorado Springs, and all the drivers here are, to judge by the levels of aggressiveness and skill behind the wheel, possessed by demons from the planet Zambina.