Thursday, March 15, 2007

I just gotta know...who was Steve?

So I'm driving in weird funky (and not in the hipster way) deep SE Portland, where there are predominantly convenience stores, pawn shops, strip clubs (but none of the swanky ones), dive bars, gun shops and drive-thru cigarette stores. You heard me.

As I cruise down SE Foster Rd. I notice a taxidermist establishment on my left. Underneath the Taxidermy sign is a marquee, which reads:

Goodbye Steve
We'll Miss You

Please let Steve not be a former animal of some sort.


Heather said...

I know SE Portland is NOOOO Fun! I hope Steve whoever he may have been is resting in peace and not being stuffed and mounted!

Anonymous said...

Could it be Steve Irwin, "the crocodile hunter?"